Response to tutor’s feedback on Assignment 5

My tutor has been unfailingly helpful and positive. She has made several suggestions to improve the assignment.

  1. Include contact sheets.
  2. “select a single image from several practitioners and analyse the elements in that image that represent the idea or technique that has been of influence”
  3. Say something about why image 4 is cropped differently from the rest.
  4. Create “a separate blog page/post with just your final assessment photos in order to give a cleaner viewing impression of your finished images.”

1. Contact sheets.



2. “select a single image from several practitioners and analyse the elements in that image that represent the idea or technique that has been of influence”

Sherman-Cindy_UntitledFilmStill-21I like the way the gaze stares outside the frame to suggest that there is much more going on that we cannot see. I wanted the gaze to be an important part of each image.

3. Say something about why image 4 is cropped differently from the rest.

I wanted this to be something like a continuity still but forgot to say so. It doesn’t really work anyway. It should be in the same format as the rest.

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